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Motivation Letter for Turkish Scholarship Application

How to Write a Letter of Motivation?

Your motivation letter is a key factor that might change the fate of your application and ergo, your upcoming future. It’s a medium to display your potential, right before you’re called out for an interview. This is your first impression. The motivation letter may be accompanied by a resume and a cover letter or with the letter of intent.

As serious as that sounds, and as serious as it is; don’t fret yet. We’ve gathered a few pointers that should help you get a step closer to that perfect scoring letter.

Motivation Letter Sample for Scholarship Application

The motivation letter is more or less like a resume, where you showcase the following;

    • The reason why you’re the best candidate
    • And what’s the purpose behind all of your effort.

The letter of motivation is used as a basis to narrow down the list of potential candidates to a few. It is required for graduates, bachelors and any special programs. If there’s an option to write one, don’t think twice, and just opt it. You will not regret your decision.

The General Guidelines to format a Letter of Motivation

    • There are no word limits. They are generally 500 to 1000 words long.
    • Write about your education, plans, professional work, and extra-curricular experiences.
    • And split up the letter for smoother readability.

What to Write in Motivation Letter?

    • Connect your goals to your scholarship and what you’ve planned ahead.
    • Mention how this scholarship will benefit you, and how in return you will prove to add value to the community around you and the scholarship provider’s values.
    • Show the reviewer why they should select you as the candidate for the scholarship. Make sure to add in details regarding your academics, your performance, your hopes, experiences, your determination, and characteristics that might distinguish you, as an individual.
    • Mention how this scholarship will hone your future into a better one.

Structuring the Motivation Letter (Outline)

The motivation letters are divided into three separate components:

    • The introduction
    • Body- About Three Paragraphs.
    • The Ending Conclusion

How to write the introduction part in the motivation letter?

While writing out your introduction, write out your name, your education level, and the related programs’ degree.

In the first paragraph of the body, you should adhere to mention your prior work experiences, all in an organized order, and then give an indication of where exactly this scholarship could lead your profession too.

The second paragraph for the body of this letter should be a medium to share your hopes. If there is something that you want to do, like, go on research or find out a cure, then this paragraph should be the one where you should write it out. Ask yourself: What exactly do I think I could earn from this scholarship?

The last body paragraph should share your ideas and plans for your future. Like, perhaps, you’re hoping to get another degree after this education or maybe there’s a particular dream company that you’d like to work at. All of that should go here.

And, lastly but most importantly, don’t forget to add in why you should be ‘the winning candidate’.

Points to Definitely Avoid:

    • Usage of Slang,
    • Error in Syntax, spelling or grammar.
    • The casual tone of speech, and

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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