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Study Plan Essay for Scholarship Application in 2023

Write an impressive Study Plan Essay to win a Scholarship

What is a Study Plan Essay?

The study plan is an academic schedule, with set targets and time, for effective management of your study course. It acts both, as a reminder, and as a measure to create a sense of accountability within the student. Especially, those students, who study online and have a hard time planning out their routines.

Here’s a guide to help you write a Study Plan Essay:

Things that you would need to know and include in this Essay are:

  1. The reason ‘why’ you decided to pursue your studies abroad and not in your own country.
  2. Your professional aim for taking this education.
  3. The research you have carried out regarding your studies within your home country.
  4. Ways this program will increase the chances of employability in your nation.
  5. Points that bind you to your country, and,
  6. Your educational background.

After giving in a short summary of all these pointers, don’t forget to add a thank you to the committee that’s taking out their time to review your application.

How to Begin Writing Study Plan Essay?

As a student, you would have to create a statement of purpose, which will act as a tool to depict your aims, potential, and command of English, to the committee selecting the scholarship winner. This is the reason why, the below-mentioned tips, are extremely crucial for you to remember.

Examples of the Statement of Purpose:

  1. For Arts, Science & Engineering courses:
    -Limit on word count: 800-1000.
    -Should include A description of your participation in extra-curricular activities, and the pointers mentioned above.
  1. Law and Medical courses:
    a. Limit on word count: no limit.
    b. Should include:
    – Reason for being on this program.
    – Your contribution to the program and to your country after completion of this course.
    – The courses you’ve planned to attend.
    -Other relevant information.

Despite having similar requirements, it is crucial to note that the emphasis in the statement of purpose will be different for the courses highlighted above.

The Do’s and Don’ts while writing a study plan essay:


  • Get trusted opinions.
  • Straighten up your shoulders.
  • Proofread your context.
  • Check samples.
  • Be real.


  • Remember the word count limit.
  • Write without research.
  • Ask someone else to write the statement for you.

Study plan Essay for Undergraduate students:

Undergraduates’ study plan essay must include the following:

  • It should be at least 800 words.
  • Should include, reasons for interest, aims, and personal goals.
  • Add proof of participation in related activities, to the course.
  • Work experience and voluntary participation in the past.
  • A factor that shows your devotion to fulfilling your goals.

Study plan Essay for Postgraduate students:

Postgraduates’ study plan essay must include the following:

  • It should be 800 words long.
  • Should mention the reason for interest in the program.
  • Add in Research plans with your achievements in academia.
  • Mention your work-related experience and personal participation.
  • Your goals after completion or graduation.
  • Your aims, in the long term and the short term, or any personal objective.
  • An example of your devotion to your aims.
  • Include the activities you have voluntarily joined, as well.


To promote education in Turkey, sharing the realistic statistics about education in Turkey, the author started writing to share the real stories of the students studying in Turkey Scholarships and paid enrollments.

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