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Turkey Scholarships

Turkey Scholarship Online Application 2024-2025 | Turkey Government Scholarship – Türkiye Burslari Scholarships

How to Apply for Turkey Scholarship 2024?

Turkey Government Scholarship (Turkiye Burslari Scholarship) 2024 online application process will be available for undergrad, master, and doctoral degree candidates as well as it is also available for Turkish short course scholarship program candidates. Turkiye Burslari scholarship 2024 is now open for online applications from January 10, 2024, to February 20, 2024.

Turkey Scholarship Online Application Process:

Once you make sure that you have all the required documents completed and available for Online Turkey Scholarship Application then move on and begin your online application for Turkey Government Scholarship 2024-2025.

There is no application fee to apply for the Turkey Government Scholarship.

All you need to do is to make sure that you are an eligible candidate to apply for a scholarship program and also make sure that you have all the documents completed and available for the online Turkish Scholarship Application submission.

Turkey Government Scholarships Eligibility Criteria:

Some of the countries that are allowed for the Turkey Scholarship Program are Germany, Iceland, the United States, UAE, Pakistan, etc. There are other countries as well in the list from where the candidates can only apply for the postgraduate program. The eligibility criteria for the Turkey Government Scholarship are listed below:

    • The age of the candidate is one of the strict criteria that is taken into consideration.
    • If you want to apply for an undergraduate degree then you should not be born before January 2000.
    • If you want to apply for a Master’s degree then you should not be born before January 1991.
    • Likewise, for Ph.D. one should not be born before January 1983 and for the Research Program, it is January 1976.
    • For the application for an undergraduate degree, 70% of the marks are mandatory.
    • For the application of the Masters and PH.D. degrees, 75% of the marks are mandatory.
    • Medical School Programs require 90% of the marks.
    • If you are a citizen of Turkey or used to be its citizen previously then you cannot apply for the program.
    • Students studying in Turkey are not capable of Scholarships.
    • Selected students should show their documents when asked.

List of Documents for Turkey Government Scholarship 2024:

Candidates for Turkey Scholarship are requested to complete all the below-listed documents at the time of the online application. It is the responsibility of the candidates to insert authentic candidature data into the system at the time of the online Turkey Scholarship Application.

    • Diploma or degree certificate with Grades
    • Associate degree or diploma
    • High School Certificate
    • Middle School Certificate
    • TOEFL or IELTS and GAT, GMAT GRE (Optional)
    • Recommendation letters
    • Letter of intent
    • Resume
    • Statement of purpose
    • A research proposal by doctoral degree candidates
    • School, High School, or University Exam Grades sheet (Latest one)
    • Work Experience Certifications (Optional)
    • Social participation and extracurricular certifications (Optional)

In the next step, candidates will see all the open Turkish Scholarship positions under their ‘Home Page’ screen under the tabs High School, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Ph.D. and Research. Upon clicking any of these tabs, you will see a notification that prompts you as not a suitable candidate for any of these scholarships.

It is because the candidate has not filled in the Personal Information, Family information, Contact information, Education information, Language details, Work experience, Academic Qualifications, Social Activities, and Turkiye Experience sections of the profile.

Once the candidate filled in the information under the above-mentioned sections, then it can be seen on the ‘Home Page’, that the candidate is now considered eligible for the scholarship and now it is time to submit your profile data as an application for Turkey Scholarship 2024.

All the applications for Turkey Burslari Scholarships are evaluated by committee members and in the first phase, the candidates are shortlisted for an interview followed by confirming the selection. Later, the Turkey Student VISA documents, University Admission letter, and Scholarship Award letters are dispatched to the successful candidates.

How does the Selection Procedure Proceeds for Turkey Scholarship?

The academic background and the interview results are behind the selection for the scholarship. The academic performance of the applicant will be assessed by checking the following attached documents:

    • Diploma Grade
    • The Last Term’s General Average Grades
    • University Entrance Exam Grade (if any)
    • High School Graduation Exam / Baccalaureate Grade (if any)
    • International Test Score (if any)
    • Any other academic certificates or (*) cumulative GPA

The perquisites for the Turkey Scholarship Online Application are:

    • For Undergraduate degree applications 70%
    • For Master’s degree and Ph.D. Degree applications 75%
    • For Medical School applications 90%

The applicants will get a call for an interview on the basis of educational grades. The interview will be held in Turkish Consulates and where these are absent technology will be used. The results for Turkish Government Scholarship will be visible on the application system and will also be Emailed.

The online applications for Turkey Burslari Scholarships will be accepted until February 20, 2024.


To promote education in Turkey, sharing the realistic statistics about education in Turkey, the author started writing to share the real stories of the students studying in Turkey Scholarships and paid enrollments.

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    1. Dear students, Turkiye bursları (Turkey’s Scholarships) accept applications till 24 Feb, 2020 (click here for introduction:
      1. How to find universities in my department?
      Answer: No need to find any university. when you put your education detail in the online application the system will show you automatically all universities in Turkey related to your department and you can select max. 12 and min. 1 university
      2. Is IELTS/TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT/MCAT is compulsory to apply?
      Answer: NO not compulsory, but if you have these scores and upload while applying, your chances to win this scholarship becomes more. Keep in mind in Turkey only TOEFL is acceptable.
      3. What is Turkish Govt. scholarship, what documents are needed, how to apply, terms and conditions for scholarship etc?
      4. MBBS/BDS scholarships available or not?
      Answer: Yes, but need 90% in 12th grade.
      5. How to fill Education Information?
      Answer: Ortaokul Section: If you are applying for BSc/MBBS/BDS/MS/PhD then there is no need to fill ortaokul. This section is added only for those students who apply to Diyanet Foundation, International Imam Hatip High School Scholarships.
      High School Section: Ideally, one should merge 10th and 12th grades transcripts and certificates and upload in High school section.
      Associate Degree Section: This section is for those who have diploma of two years that may prepare students for a career or to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program. Those who upload 10th and 12th details in High School Section should keep blank this Section. However, If a student upload 10th details in High School Section and 12th details in Associate Degree Section, then there will be no issue. Uploading of documents is important. YTB (Turkey scholarship council) will decide on the documents you upload to the system.
      6. How many recommendation letters/reference letters need for the application?
      Answer: Those who are applying for MS/PhD should upload two recommendation letters. Those who are applying for BSc/MBBS/BDS should upload at least one recommendation letter. After submitting the application, your referee (academic teacher, Professor, etc) will receive an email to verify the recommendation letter. The referee will not need to upload the recommendation letter again.
      7. Should I take an acceptance from a university after being granted the Scholarships?
      Answer: No, you should not. You will be placed in a university and program of your choice when you are granted the scholarship.

      8. Is it possible to study in a language other than Turkish in Turkish universities?
      Answer: In Turkish universities the medium of instruction is generally in Turkish. However, some departments and universities offer programs in foreign languages such as English, French and German. The candidates who want to study in a language other than Turkish need to have an internationally recognized certificate to prove their language proficiency. The certificate should be valid and must be uploaded to the system during the application.
      9. I can’t speak Turkish. Is this a disadvantage for me to study in Turkey?
      Answer: This is not a disadvantage at all. The candidates are not required to know Turkish for the application. The Scholarships also include a Turkish language education for the candidates before they start their studies (including those who are placed in a program, whose of medium of instruction is other than Turkish).
      10. What types of scholarships are available to me?
      Answer: Türkiye Scholarships is offered for undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D., proficiency in art, and research level.
      11. I do not have any information about Turkish universities. Where and how can I get information?
      Answer: The candidates can acquire all the information that they need from the websites of the listed universities. Link:
      12. What is the age condition for this scholarship?
      Answer: An applicant should not more than 21 for undergraduate. Maximum age for MS is 30, 35 for PhD and 45 for research applicants.
      13. What is the value/package of this scholarship?
      Answer: Kindly read here:
      14. Can an applicant apply with old account?
      Answer: Yes, an applicant should apply with old account. There is no need to make a new account.
      15. What is the selection criteria of this scholarship?
      Answer: The selection of candidates is carried out according to academic achievement and interview performance. Türkiye Scholarships is a program based on academic success of the candidates. Academic criteria of the applicants will be measured according to these documents:
      • Diploma Grade
      • General Average Grades Received Until The Last Term (*)
      • University Entrance Exam Grade (if any)
      • High School Graduation Exam / Baccalaureate Grade (if any)
      • International Test Score (if any)
      • Other Academic Assessment Score
      (*) cumulative GPA
      Candidates must have at least
      • For Undergraduate degree applications 70 %
      • For Master’s degree and Ph.D. Degree applications 75 %
      • For Medical School applications 90 %
      Candidates among those who completed the application fully will be invited to interview according to their academic success.
      Interview information will be delivered by e-mails and online application system. Interviews will be held face to face or via communication tools in the countries where Turkish Consulates or Embassies don’t exist.

      Thank you

      1. sir i want a scholarship but i don,t know that what can i do for apply for this scholarship in matric my marks are 905 out of 1100

  1. i cant get that how to apply for masters degree program .I am very confuse please give me some guidelines ..
    thanks alot

  2. Selam arkadaşlar , I’m from Guyana South America .
    I would love to Future my studies in Turkey .. by gaining a scholarship .. how can I apply for this position

  3. Hi, am interested in the scholarship, I will be honoured if get an opportunity to study in Turkey

  4. I really want to advance my studies but am comfused whom please mind giving me some ways
    to go futher with studies

  5. Merhaba,

    Can you please tell me where are we supposed to send the attached Turkish scholarship Application Form?

    1. Please I really beg Turkey scholarship administration to grant me scholarship offer to achieve by dream successful… I hope by God grace everything will be fine.

  6. Hi.
    I’m from Venezuela and I would like to apply. It’s a great opportunity and a marvelous country.
    I await for an answer
    Thank you.

  7. Thanks to Turkish. Government and people for availing such educational opportunity especially for Africans. I am an Ethiopian holding Masters from Belgium and am interested to study for my PhD. Can you mail me age limit and other relevant information?
    Regards with huggs

  8. I have never had an opportunity one day to study outside my country.
    it might be a chance of having it if God will…

  9. I am from Ethiopia and I want for scholarship of Turkey !
    I hope to get these gold chance !
    I am student now at Geology department now in Ethiopia.

  10. i am interested for the application of scholarship in Turkey scholarship governments. so how can i get the application form.

  11. Dear sir ,
    i would like to know the criteria for this scholarship program , my son is interested in doing MBBS , he is completing his GCSE (Edexel UK ) advance level in biology subjects in July 2020 ,
    can he apply for this ?

  12. Am higly interested woyh bachelot scholarships, bt conditions especially in age , i was born jan 1996.
    Can i get such scholarship???

  13. I am sajjad from Pakistan. I am M.Phil in Education now want to get admission to Ph.D Education in Turkey on Scholarship basis. Please guide and oblige.

    1. I need to attend PhD with Environmental fields ( Natural resource, Environmental science, Environmental studies, and related fields). Could you give me a hit how 70 % and 75 % marks estimation in my Master degree or PhD?

  14. I really need to study in Turkey but the age restriction affects us , last time I applied for one but I was removed at the last minutes , just IMAGINE! , only because I was born in 1996 . Please check for this cos some of us our backgrounds are not pleasing and in our areas it’s not easy for one to start learning from tender age ,most students from the area am coming from starts their age seven due to different reasons such as floods . Am from TANA RIVER COUNTY, KENYA ,this is the area with the ONLY delta in KENYA , so floods affects as yearly, since the schools are located far ,it’s hard for the parents to let their kids go for such distance , fearing to loose him/her because of floods .

  15. Salam
    I’m interested for this scholarship
    And i want to do master’s in architecture but my previous result of bachelor’s is 60%
    So can i apply for this
    If yes, then you please help me for apply
    Thanks to you

  16. I am a college graduate with a degree Bachelor of Science In Agriculture major in Animal Science. Iwoul like to ask what are other courses that are related to sciece field?

  17. Dear Sir/Madam:

    I write to express my interest in the
    Turkey Scholarship program.
    Please help me with the Application link for this program.

  18. Hello,
    Please I can not find the exact link to the application form.
    kindly help me with it, thank you.

  19. I am having difficulties in accessing a one-page Application Form for Screening purposes. I have a keen interest in pursuing Undergraduate Degree in: Maritime Business Administration; Maritime and Port Management or Maritime, Port and Logistics Management under a Turkish Scholarship.
    Your assistance will be highly appreciated.
    I am a Tanzanian Citizen.

  20. Hi
    I would like to apply for the scholarship but for the next year 2021 cause i am im the last year of my BA. Is that possible?

  21. I am very intetested to have this opportunity in Turky, could you please add me one the selected members.

  22. I so love turkish people and i like to study something in turki please give me scholarship i tried more than 3 years to get scholarship turki government but iam not succeed please and please help me how to get scholarship i very hop to succeed this year to found turki scholarship this year if Allah wish.
    So i request to get quickly scholarship turki government.

  23. Please Help me , I want to study in turkey totally free , But i dont know How to apply and registerd

  24. Asalam,
    Hope you all will be fine, I have a keen interest to apply and have all requirements i.e 83% in BS and 70% in Fsc.
    am i eligible???
    please needs some hints….

  25. iam happy &interested to applying for pursuing Master degree in philosophy science ,if you consider my application ,i wilm be very glad to be apart of your journey ,so would you show me an step for application ?

  26. My name is Tebibu Solomon i am from Ethiopia i want to get this opportunity because I want to help my family, My country and also Turkey by being a good managerial person and I want to make further development on the developing process on the country.

  27. I want to do M. Phil in Mathematics from Turkey…. I have completed my M. Sc in Mathematics from coming September.

  28. Assalamualaikum sir . I’m Mansoor Ahmad from Pakistan and apply for mbbs and BDS and my percentage is 87 in my 12 grade .is there any relaxation ??
    Can I get this scholarship while my percentage is bit little than the criteria.
    Kindly inform me!

    1. I am sorry to inform you that the age restrictions are there. So you need to check upper age limits prior of submission of your application.

  29. I’m very happy and interested about your scholarship and admission in your universities, so kindly help me to secure a fully or 70% funded admission in Medicine into your country.

  30. I am reading Diploma Course, Medical assistant Training Course( MATS) Can I apply FOr MBBS Course.

  31. My name is Masoumeh Babaei. I have a master’s degree in genetics and I would love to study for a doctorate with a scholarship in Turkey. My grade point average is 18.11 and I have two valid articles.

  32. My age is bit more than 21 years because I spent my two and half years in Hifz e Qur’an…Is there any concession for me in scholarship program ??Kindly guide me.

  33. In Matric, I can scored 905 marks out of 1100 marks. Then Now I am undergraduation and I want your scholarship

  34. I passed my grade 12 biology and now forward I want to study in virology any chance scholarship for me.

  35. I wish to enroll at your noble Institution of higher learning to acquired a master Degree in International Human Rights Law, Peace Building or in International Relations & Publicly Policy Management.

  36. Is it compulsory to submit school transcript or can I use my degree in replacement, because I don’t have my school transcript now

    1. Please follow above-mentioned steps in order to submit your application for the Turkey government Scholarship.

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