
Winning Scholarship Essay Writing

How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay?

You can win a fully-funded scholarship if your scholarship essay is well written and well researched. The scholarship essay constitutes of three basic components that are; literature survey, body text containing discussion and conclusion.

Applying for college can be a hectic job. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done which includes filling the university application forms, filling the form for financial assistance, writing an essay for college admission as well as writing an essay that will help you win that scholarship opportunity that you want. There are those types of scholarships that will require you to write an essay during application.

10 Tips for Writing a Scholarship Essay

In the instance that you are required to attach an essay together with your scholarship application and scholarship resume, you do not have to panic. Below are some of the easy ten steps that you can follow to help you write a successful essay that will ensure you win the scholarship.

  1. Grab the attention of the reader

A great and strong introduction is very important. This is because it will ensure that you have the attention of the reader from the very beginning. You should not overlook the introduction part. Compare the two statements below:

Statement #1: Many reasons make socialization an important skill.

Statement #2: It was on that day that I realized how important life was.

When you look at the first statement, you can see that it is not personal, it is shallow and it does not explain much. The second statement, however, is personal and makes the reader want to know more about the story.

Make sure that your first paragraph is catchy and it will influence the reader to read the rest of the essay.

  1. Recycle your scholarship essays

You may find yourself applying for several scholarships at once to increase your chances of landing one. You do not have to write a different essay every time. Just write one impeccable and outstanding essay and you can then make a few adjustments to it with every new scholarship application. This will make it easier for you to apply for multiple applications at once.

  1. Do not be predictable

Do not let your essay give the most obvious answers. Make your essay interesting by giving the reader a surprise by telling them something that they did not expect. When most people are asked who their influencers are, they mostly answer that it is either their mother or father. You can instead tell the reader that your influencer is Spiderman or maybe Beyonce. Such an answer is more personal and it is intriguing to the reader.

  1. Follow the guidelines

If you want to disappoint the reader of your essay, then write an essay that does not tell them what they want to hear. Read the guidelines carefully and then come up with a well-crafted essay that will give the reader exactly what they are looking for. Make sure that you do not overdo it but keep it within the limits.

  1. Be focused

Do not stray when writing your essay. You should make sure that you remain within the topic. This can only be achieved if you read and understand the topic well enough. The reader has many applications to look at and if you show them that your essay does not follow the topic, then they may not even look at the rest of the application.

  1. Have a thesis statement

Your essay should revolve around one thesis statement that you give at the introductory part of the essay. This statement will guide you when writing the rest of the essay and it will also give the reader a clear picture of what you are will be discussing.

If the essay question asks you of a day in your life that you would always remember, the thesis statement would then be’ “The day that I will always remember was when I helped save my drowning neighbor’s so from their pool”. The entire essay should then talk about this and expound on it.

  1. Proofread your essay

Grammatical and spelling errors will definitely irritate the reader of your essay. Many applications will obviously be sent and the tiniest mistake may lead to your application not being considered. Make sure that you do not give the scholarship committee any reason not to consider your application.

  1. Make sure that grammar and punctuation are okay

Do not overlook even the tiniest errors in your essay. Make sure abbreviations and phrases are well written. You should go through your punctuations to make sure that all the pauses are in the right place to ensure that the sentence gives the meaning it intends to give. It is advisable to have a relative; friend or mentor read your essay and give their feedback on what you should adjust.

  1. Be cautious of what you write

The one reading your essay can easily tell if you have a real interest in the scholarship or not. Do not write about what you think the scholarship committee wants to hear, as this will make your essay vague and impersonal. You should write about what makes you the person that you are and what it is that you like.

  1. Make the conclusion interesting

Make sure that the conclusion part of your essay remains catchy. It should not be a repeat of your introduction. In this part, write a brief summary of why you wrote the essay and why it is important.

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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