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Turkey Scholarships

Turkey Cyprus Government Scholarship 2023-2024

Turkish Cypriot Government Scholarship 2023

The Turkish Cypriot Government has announced 5 scholarships under the OIC Educational Exchange Programme, starting from the spring semester of the 2023 academic year. Pursuant to this Turkish scholarship offer, qualified students from the OIC Member States may avail the opportunity to study at undergraduate (Bachelor), graduate (Master), and post-graduate programs in any of the following participating universities:

The Turkey scholarship by Cyprus Government application form and information notes on Northern Cyprus universities and the scope, terms, and conditions of the scholarships are enclosed herewith. Further information about the educational programmes of the universities is available on the websites of the respective universities mentioned above. The scholarship offer does not include Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy studies.

The medium of instruction at the aforementioned universities is English. Applicants are therefore expected to be proficient in English or attend the English Preparatory School of the university they are enrolled at. However, studying at a preparatory school should not, in any case, last more than one year.

Turkey Scholarship by Cyprus Government Requirements

  • Be a graduate of a high school or of any equivalent secondary school
  • Fulfill the admission and enrolment criteria as provided by the TRNC Higher Education
  • Provide documentation certifying the language proficiency required by the specific
    program of the university to be applied or to be successful in the foreign language
    examination to be held by the university itself.

Duration of Turkey Cyprus Government Scholarship

  • This Turkish scholarship is offered for the fall and spring semesters
  • The scholarship is valid only for the duration of the regular period of study
  • For undergraduate education (bachelor’s degree): 10 semesters (including preparatory classes)
  • For graduate education (master’s degree): 4 semesters (including preparatory classes)
  • Ph.D. degree: 8 semesters (including preparatory classes)

Benefits of Turkey Cyprus Government Scholarship

Scholarships granted by the TRNC to students from third countries (other than citizens of TRNC and Turkey) only include tuition and allowance. All other expenses, including dormitory fees, should be met by the students themselves.

How to apply for Turkey Cyprus Government Scholarship 2023?

Download the application form in this document, fill it out and choose a degree program from above mentioned three universities, and send your application material to the following email address:

Applicants, who already have acceptance or conditional acceptance letters for the year 2023 from one of the universities listed above are eligible to apply, complete application forms, together with copies of relevant certificates and documents specified in the application form, must reach the OIC General Secretariat no later than 30 November 2023. More information is available on the OIC Scholarships page.

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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  1. I am nicodemus malombe an economist am interested in master with scholarship because I di not have enough money.

  2. I’m currently studying in TRNC in emu and it’s my first semester, (I have no GPA yet) I want to know if I still can apply or not ?

  3. My name is Ahmed cabdilahi mohamed first welcome dear I am stay in somalia specially burao this is scholarship is very high so my level is high school I hopfull joining in university of Turkey

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