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Scholarship Request Letter: Scholarship Request Letter Sample, Template, Example

Scholarship Request Application

The Scholarship Request Letter is written by students to request a scholarship fund from the financial aid office of the college via the Scholarship Request Form.

There is a lot of competition that is present among the many students looking for scholarship opportunities to go to college. When applying for a scholarship, a student is needed to fill in the scholarship request application form and submit it alongside the letter of intent, sop, cover letter, and resume. These documents are required for submission in order to request scholarship funding from the committee who will evaluate them and make a decision.

Once you get a scholarship opportunity that catches your eye, you need to write a letter to the scholarship committee requesting them to grant you the scholarship. This letter is very important because it is what will give the committee the first impression of you. There are also cases where it may be the only thing the committee reads and they may not even go through your application form if this letter does not impress them.

How to Write a Scholarship Request Letter?

#1 Be brief and to the point

The letter you write when requesting a scholarship should be brief and to the point. There are hundreds of applicants and the committee needs to read each letter of request. Writing a long letter may lead to the important details of your request not being read as they will just go through it. When you write a short and concise letter that is thorough, the committee will definitely understand all your points, as they will read the entire letter.

The letter should also show the committee that you are the most suitable candidate. To do this, you have to ensure that you have the right motivation to make good use of the scholarship opportunity.

When making an application for a scholarship, it is important to find out the details of the scholarship as well as the requirements. Some of the things that may impress the committee are experienced in voluntary community service or relevant work experience.

Different scholarships have different requirements and thus different application strategies. When making an application, make sure to get all the details so as to know the requirements and guidelines for the application.

#2 Your introduction must be to the point

The introduction part of your letter of request should be brief. This is a part that should tell the committee the reason why you are applying for the scholarship and also state the name of the scholarship. It is this part that should also tell the qualities and qualifications that make you the best person to land the scholarship opportunity. When listing your qualifications, list at least two and not more than four.

The letter of request for a scholarship should not be more than one page. This is to ensure that the reader has an easy time. In the second paragraph, you can list the examples of how you meet the requirements needed for qualifying for the application. You may have already highlighted these in the scholarship application form but listing them down here will give them more importance.

When ending the letter, make sure to show gratitude to the committee for giving you the chance to have a scholarship opportunity and for considering you for the opportunity. You should also tell them that you are eagerly waiting for their response.

Make sure that your letter has no grammar and spelling errors. Also, use formal language and avoid the use of slang.

#3 Talk about why you deserve a Scholarship

The letter for request for a scholarship should focus more on what makes you the ideal candidate for the scholarship, your academic performance, and qualifications as well as the goals that you have. It is not the best place to mention the many hardships that you have. You can, however, mention the reason why you need the scholarship opportunity.

#4 Be specific about your Ask

While requesting a scholarship, make sure to be very specific about the funding requirement. If you need to match the gap of just a few thousand dollars to cover your tuition fee then write the exact amount requirement. If you need full scholarship funding then mention it accordingly.

Scholarship Request Letter Template and Example

Below is a sample letter of request for a scholarship. You should address the letter to the chairperson of the Scholarship Committee. Never address the letter to a ‘Whom It May Concern.’ When writing your letter, research about the one offering the scholarship to find out their name and address.

You should write your letter in a formal business language. Use a formal email address to send the letter. After writing the letter, you should ask a teacher or a career counselor to read it and advise if there are any changes that you should make.

It is important to retain all copies of the application. This includes the application letter, letter of request, and any other document.

Scholarship Request Form

Insert Your Name,
1120 Simpson Ct,
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.


Name of Scholarships,
3000 River Ridge Rd.
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601.

Subject: Scholarship Request Letter

Dear Mr. Ross,

I was so pleased to find out about the $20000 scholarship fund, which Marvel scholarship is offering to ten suitable college students. My dream is to attend Ohio University and pursue a degree in Medicine. I have always wanted to become a successful doctor and follow in my dad’s footsteps.

My dad was a successful doctor and surgeon before his demise a couple of years ago. His academic qualification in medicine, as well as his passion, made him a remarkable doctor. By pursuing a degree in medicine, will not only help me to start and grow my career but it will also be a way of following in my dad’s footsteps. Being a successful doctor is everything that I have always wanted.

I graduated from XXXX high School in 201x with honors. After graduating, I went to be a volunteer at a refugee camp in Africa and I have now come back to continue with my education. I have always been an active student having played an active role in the drama and debate club. I have also been a class president.

I have impeccable grades and I am also active in extracurricular activities. This makes me an all-around student.

Mr. Ross, many applications will be sent to you. I, however, hope that you consider mine and help me achieve my dream of being a successful doctor.

I know that enrolling in the medical field is challenging due to the complexity of the course and many classes. I will, however, overcome this challenge through hard work and commitment. I will not afford to cater to my tuition, boarding, books, etc, and this scholarship will take away some of the burdens and help me to better focus on my studies. I will really appreciate your consideration.

Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Insert Your Name.

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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