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Motivation Letter for Turkey Government Scholarship Application 2023

If you write a motivation letter for Turkey Government Scholarship 2023 as instructed in this article then your chances of selection would increase. As you may be aware by now that the Turkiye Burslari applications are opening next year in January, and all the aspiring applicants are supposed to submit a motivation letter along with the scholarship application. A motivation letter is not always required in scholarship applications but when it does, it can play a decisive role in whether or not you are selected for a scholarship.

Let’s Get Familiar With What a Motivation is All About?

There is no need to be intimidated by a motivation letter. It is your golden chance to shine as it lets the scholarship committee understand your aspirations and plans regarding a particular program and the scholarship. A motivation letter is intended to explain two things:

  • Why do you think you would be a suitable candidate for this scholarship?
  • What are your future plans with the study program that you have selected?

Motivation letters are supposed to be between 700-1000 words. It is better to split the whole letter into separate paragraphs for the reader to read it easily.

What Are the Important Sections of a Motivation Letter?

For a general outline, your motivation letter should have the following parts.

  • Your personal information and contact details
  • An introduction
  • Three body paragraphs
  • A concluding paragraph

In the introductory paragraph, you will talk about yourself, your field of education, and the degree program that you are applying for. You can also include two or three brief sentences regarding why you would be the best fit for the scholarship.

The first body paragraph invites the reader to dive into any relevant experience that you might have. This could be a job or internship experience or some voluntary work that you had undertaken in the past. All the relevant experience needs to be in chronological order and should have a seamless flow. In the last sentence, suggest how the scholarship will best help you in your career.

The second body paragraph takes over from the first paragraph. Here you should highlight what you propose to achieve with this degree program. How is it going to make a difference for your intellectual mindset and what problems are you going to solve once you are given a chance with this scholarship? This is one of the most important parts of the scholarship motivation letter as it helps the scholarship committee understand how serious you are with your education and career prospects.

In the last body paragraph, go into detail about your future plans. You can talk about the further education that you want to receive after this particular degree program. If you want to engage in research, want to work with some particular companies or non-profits, or aspire to make a difference by solving an issue that is concerning your proposed field of study. This last paragraph helps the reader understand how awarding this scholarship to you can be beneficial for society and how it serves the aims and objectives of the scholarship program.

The concluding paragraph doesn’t need to have anything new in particular. You are just supposed to re-emphasize how you are the best fit for this scholarship and how you intend to make the best use of the chance that you will potentially be given.

You should sound 100% sure of yourself in the motivation letter. Your intentions should be clear and your educational objectives should be in line with the career prospects that you have in mind.

Some Final Instructions to Get You Started:

Avoid the usage of slang or loose language in the motivation letter. A good motivation letter follows a professional tone and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. You should be providing clear and specific examples of your work experience or future plans.

Generalized examples fail to make an impression. Avoid copying from the templates available on the internet. Use them just to have an idea and a general outline of a successful motivation letter. Lastly, review the letter at least three times before uploading it with the scholarship application. This will allow you to make any alterations that you may have previously forgone to make.

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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