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Financial Aid Appeal Letter Form – Templates

Scholarship Appeal Letter Form Templates

The financial aid appeal letter can be sent to the financial aid office of the University when you need a few thousand dollars to cover your tuition fee. Try to send this letter to the financial aid office before the school’s aid funds run out dry. The financial aid appeal letter is also known as scholarship appeal letter that must include the following:

  • An exact amount requirement
  • The name of the person and address
  • A clear reason for funding requirement ‘why?’
  • Special circumstances details
  • List any competing offer, if you have one
  • Ask for the next appeal process
  • Ask for required documentation

You get financial aid, but you are not as pleased as you should be because it is not enough to pay for your tuition fees in college.

Under such circumstances, you do not have to panic. You still have choices left. One of the choices that you may go for is to draft a financial aid appeal letter. This article will give you a systematic guide on how to write the letter as well as a sample that you can use to write your own.

The best time to appeal for financial aid:

In the event that your financial capability changes maybe due to termination of employment, your salary taking a plunge or even worse, the money you had saved up for your child’s tuition has to be used for something else. There may even be a situation where the financial support you receive stops coming or worse.

The decision to write a financial aid appeal letter can be influenced by multiple reasons including the fact that you are less financially able as you used to be. A few examples of these influencers include;

  • Employment termination
  • Healthcare problems
  • Separation from your spouse

The income that is recorded on your FAFSA not being as straight is a big concern and another reason why you may opt to write a financial appeal letter. It could be that most of it that are spent reducing your loan which is why it cannot be used for some other need.

What happens in the event that your economic support owing to the fact that you were not able to achieve the required grades? It may be possible to appeal only if you have been a victim of a dramatic life situation like;

  • Recently confirmed that you are suffering from a terminal disease
  • Lack of a place to stay
  • Complicated pregnancy
  • Death of a loved one

Four critical considerations that must feature in the financial appeal letter

I know you are probably asking yourself what a financial aid appeal letter is. Well, to answer you, this a request for assistance. However, it is important to note that this letter should not be considered as a place to let out your emotions and demand for things. This letter is only an avenue for you to present your case to people who hold the capacity to provide a solution for you.

Ideas for writing a Financial Aid Appeal Letter

  1. Make sure that the letter is addressed to a particular individual in the office of the institution where matters financial aid are handled. Enquire if you are not certain about anything.
  2. Find out the exact expectations for their appeal such as documentation
  3. Make sure to indicate the name of the recipient and shun from only addressing them by their title.
  4. Emphasize the documentation that you presented to the school and also highlight why you are appealing.

Ideas for improving the chances of the application going through

Important considerations that you must have at your fingertips include the following.

  • Take a formal approach in writing the letter, as this will make for clarity and ease of reading.
  • Remain straight forward about why you are writing. Go for answering the why as a means to really connect with the audience.
  • Only use one side of the page for the letter
  • Come out very clearly on whether you are seeking more financial help from the government or from the school.
  • Give documentation as evidence. This is a means to support your appeal because when the financial aid officer has more data that is relevant, it increases your chances of getting a positive reply. You should bear in mind that the financial aid officers operate on the basis of specific guidelines which is why you ought to make it easier for them to rule in your favor.
  • Be sure to show gratitude by saying thank you at the end of the letter.

Financial Aid Appeal Letter Form Example

September  7th, 20,
Mrs. Kristen Hopkins,
Office of Financial Aid,
University College,
204 Street name,
City, State Zip,

Dear Mrs. Hopkins,

My name is Karl Kevin and I’m an incoming freshman. I am interested in joining University College this fall. I am grateful for the informative financial aid package. Following the acceptance of my application, my family is financially unable to support me because of a serious financial challenge.

My father got terminated from his employment shortly after my acceptance letter came. He served for 30 years at the Widget factory before they finally laid him off. Y father had been the family’s main breadwinner. My mother works part-time at a minimum wage retail job. For this reason, therefore, we are unable to handle more than the basic needs of the family.

It is my honest wish to join the institution this fall and this desire is threatened as it is. I write to request consideration for my award because of my family’s situation. Your assistance is very much appreciated and I am grateful for you taking the time to go through my appeal.

Herewith find attached my father’s termination from the employment letter as proof. Also attached is the financial aid appeal form from your office. In case there is any other information needed from me, kindly feel free to contact me through mail or call and I will respond at the earliest possible time.

Yours truly,
Karl Kevin,
1520 My Street,
City, State Zip,

Engr Asifa Karim

This is Scholarship Sharing team that writes and shares content for the students to apply for different available opportunities around the world.

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